MA txhais li cas tom qab lub npe?
MA txhais li cas tom qab lub npe?

Video: MA txhais li cas tom qab lub npe?

Video: MA txhais li cas tom qab lub npe?
Video: Ib Tug Ntxhais Lub Neej Tu Siab (Sad Story) 2024, Plaub Hlis Ntuj

Ib MA yog kawm tiav qib Master hauv kev kawm txuj ci lossis kev kawm socialscience. MA Nws yog ib lub npe luv rau 'Master of Arts'. Nws mam li mus kawm hauv tsev kawm ntawv uas nws tau txais BA thiab tom qab ntawd MA . MA yog sau tom qab ib tug npe los qhia tias lawv muaj MA.

Ib yam li ib tug yuav nug, MA Oxon txhais li cas?

Cov txheej txheem ntawm kev kawm qib siab hauv University of Oxford tuaj yeem ua rau cov neeg tsis paub txog nws. Inpostnominals, "University of Oxford" yog ib txwm abbreviated" Oxon ", uas yog luv rau (Academia) Oxoniensis: e.g., MA ( Oxon .), Txawm hais tias nyob rau hauv lub tsev kawm ntawv nws tus kheej theabbreviation "Oxf" tuaj yeem siv tau.

Ib tug kuj tseem nug, dab tsi yog lub npe rau ib tus neeg kawm tiav qib siab? Ib me ntsis archaic npe ib tug tuav a Masters degree yog "Magister". Zoo ib yam li kws kho mob, nws los ntawm lo lus Latin rau tus kws qhia ntawv. Hauv lub ntiaj teb hais lus Askiv, qhov no lub npe tau qhov tseem ceeb ploj ho, yog li yuav ntsib nrog incomprehension.

Yog li ntawd, kuv puas yuav tsum muab kuv tus masters degree tom qab kuv lub npe?

A kawm tiav qib siab los yog bachelor's degree yuav tsum yeej tsis suav nrog tom qab koj npe . Yog tias koj tab tom thov rau txoj haujlwm uas xav tau a kawm tiav qib siab (Piv txwv li MBA lossis MFA), koj tuaj yeem suav nrog qhov ntawd hauv cov ntsiab lus luv luv. Txawm li cas los xij, ntxiv rau cov kab saum toj kawg nkaus tom qab koj npe tsis tsim nyog.

Dab tsi yog Oxford thawj?

Ib 'ob ua ntej 'ua Oxford feem ntau yog hais txog tsis raug cai ua ntej -class honors nyob rau hauv ob qho tib si ntawm ib tug undergraduate degree, i.e.

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